May 10, 2024

Does Rhinoplasty Last Forever?

There is a perception that the nose doesnt stop growing! So, is this true? A common question around Rhinoplasty is ‘do results last forever?’. 
April 28, 2024

Professor Sama’s International Travels

Professor Sama is currently touring China and Malaysia as part of a series of international conferences. At Sama Rhinoplasty, we are proud to say that our […]
April 7, 2024

Advanced Facial Plastics Dissection Course in Nottingham

Alongside providing Rhinoplasty surgery, consultations and reviews, Professor Sama also regularly teaches.  Between the 28th and 30th of May, 2024, Professor Anshul Sama will be leading […]
October 26, 2023

Can I Get Natural-Looking Rhinoplasty Results?

A common concern about rhinoplasty is that it may drastically change how a person looks.
October 6, 2023

10 Changes to the Nose That Can Be Achieved with Rhinoplasty

In this blog, you will learn about all the changes that surgery at Sama Rhinoplasty can achieve,
October 3, 2023

Is Rhinoplasty Right for Me?

In this blog, we’ll delve into the various nasal changes that rhinoplasty can support, factors around patient suitability, and Professor Sama’s approach towards those who are interested in the procedure.
August 5, 2023

Is Rhinoplasty Dangerous?

Like all major surgical procedures, rhinoplasty surgery has its own set of risks. Fortunately, when performed safely by an expert surgeon, the risks involved can be kept at bay.
July 3, 2023

Nose Jobs in the UK vs. Nose Jobs Abroad

Whilst many people are attracted to the appeal of what are marketed as unmissable rhinoplasty packages, a lot of them are unaware of the potential compromise that is also involved.
July 3, 2023

Latest News – Professor Sama Reviews His Book: Frontal Sinus Surgery: Surgical Approaches and Controversies.

Professor Sama and fellow co-author, Christos Georgalas, recently spoke with The Global Rhinology Network to discuss their book.